
The definition of “accelerator” is a person or thing that causes something to happen or develop more quickly.

In the fast paced, competitive marketplace there is often not much opportunity to take an abundance of time to gain the necessary edge in order to win; this is exactly why we’ve developed the Accelerators.

They are designed to get right to the heart of the matter over the course of hours to several days depending on the scheduling that best meets your timing.

Attitude and Mindset Accelerator

The person that can successfully combine a great attitude with a great product or service becomes unstoppable! That's why we help you gain control and confidence in your attitude towards business and life.

Goals & Targets Accelerator

Most people claim they understand the importance of setting goals for a better life, but in reality, about 80% of people never set goals. We help you set them the right way so you wake up every morning eager to accomplish your goals.

Objection Handling Accelerator

Most salespeople consider themselves successful if they close 20%. Our aim is to get you in a place where you have a skill set so powerful that you could easily exceed that.

Prospecting​ Accelerator

Master prospecting and learn how to keep your pipeline so full, so abundant, so loaded up with opportunities that you can prosper regardless of what’s going on.

Attitude and Mindset Accelerator

“People will pay more for a great attitude than they will for a great product.”

Attitude is your feeling or position to another or a thing.  Your attitude can be negative, it can be neutral; both are pretty bad.  It could be good or it can be great.  

To sell, you need one attitude.  A great attitude.  You can not deal with bad, neutral or even good.  Your paycheck is dependent upon this one thing.

The person that can successfully combine a great attitude with a great product or service becomes unstoppable!

You'll learn:

Goals & Targets Accelerator

“If the goal doesn’t change the quality of your life, you will quit on it.”

Most people claim they understand the importance of  setting goals for a better life, but in reality, about 80% of people never set goals. This is especially common among people who are not involved in some type of business or business activity that promotes goal setting.

Surprisingly, of the 20% of those that do set goals, roughly 70% of those did not reach the goal they set!  And when you consider that many of these goal-setters strive for small, achievable goals, it’s amazing how anyone has accomplished something remarkable in business and in the livingness of life.

Bottom line, baby goals won’t motivate you to take enough action.  They will not propel you forward or elicit your innate creativity to overcome those obstacles that inevitably get in your way.  You need to set 10X goals and targets or life will have a tendency to settle back into the old routine and habits.

You'll learn:

Objection Handling Accelerator

Most salespeople fail in the close simply because they do not have the words to say what will handle the buyer’s objection.  Objections are never a reason to stop the sale from happening and in fact, once the objection is understood, it provides the key to closing the sale.  

Most salespeople consider themselves successful if they close 20%.  Our aim is to get you in a place where you have a skill set so powerful that you could easily exceed that. 

Master the objection and you have a chance to master the close.

You'll learn:


The purpose of prospecting is to keep your pipeline so full, so abundant, so loaded up with opportunities that you’re going to create an economy regardless of what’s going on out there. You don’t want to be dependent upon the existing economy.

Fill your pipeline with opportunities, people and prospects. This will allow you to create your own economy. Look, you’ve got to have large numbers of people. You have to have quantity to be successful at anything, whether it’s selling books, selling automobiles, furniture or selling online. You’ve got to have a full pipeline.

Sometimes we fall into a trap of waiting on traffic and thinking management’s responsible for creating traffic. Don’t fall into this trap of, “Oh my gosh, I hope somebody shows up today.” 

If you can generate your own opportunities and your own traffic, you will be much more valuable to the company. By doing this, you become independent of the economy.

Don’t wait for things to happen, make things happen! When you generate your own traffic, the company becomes dependent upon you. You want the company to be dependent on you instead of the other way around.

You'll learn: